
Grenselandet 2024 will take place on October 4th and 5th. Tickets available here.

Monday 10 June 2024

Call for miniature larps

There are so many great larps out there that many people never get to play due to lack of time, money or capacity. To give more people a taster of the many impressive large larps that exist, we are this year making a special challenge to creators of large scale larps: Make a miniature version of it.

A few examples of this design already exist, but we would like to see more of this approach, whether it's something you do as a way to promote your large scale larp, test out parts of something in the making, or just creating a smaller piece for its own worth, based on something larger.

We are resering some slots at this year's Grenselandet for this particular approach, and we hope that you want to do a miniature version of something you have created or are in the process of creating. If you are interested, please submit your suggestion here.

Photo: Markni123@Flickr (CC2.0 licence)

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