
Grenselandet 2024 will take place on October 4th and 5th. Tickets available here.

Thursday 10 September 2015

Emotional void

In the world where characters live there are no emotions and no feelings. All experience has remained in the past. Here people thoughtlessly follow their everyday routine, but once you accidentally get off at a wrong station and find yourself in a roadside cafe. The peculiarity of this cafe is that instead of usual delicacies here you can order emotions and feelings that will make you remember some things and open anew some other things.

A long way home (BY) by Masha Bugayova, Zhenja Karachun, Nastassia Sinitsyna, Tatsiana Smaliak and Olga Rudak is a larp with high level of abstraction and improvisation, where all relations are developed as play goes on.

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