
Grenselandet 2024 will take place on October 4th and 5th. Tickets available here.

Monday 15 September 2014

Danish dating

Single? is a larp about dating by Louise Amalie Juul Sønderskov and Claus Raasted.

“The clever people say that you need to stop hunting and start enjoying – then it will come, all by itself.

I don't trust clever people.”

Online dating is huge in many first world countries, yet still stigmatized. In Single? you play a character at a speed dating event. Some are here looking for a fling, others hope to meet their one and only soulmate this evening.

Single? is about the anxiety and awkwardness that are often the product of a first meeting, but also about the joy and hope of connecting with someone who just might become important in your life.

Created by two eternal singles and a man who met his wife through online dating, Single? is meant to be a fun larp, though definitely not a comedy.

As the characters are inspired by real dating profiles, Single? is a LARP close to reality, focusing on the hunt for that special someone. A hunt very real for many.

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